Monday, January 7, 2008

See Spot guard penguins

Some of you may know about the recent trial of Maremmas to protect Little Penguins on Middle Island, Warrnambool, Australia.

The inital report on how well the two dogs did has was released and the recommendation was made to have a second trial, this one 12 months in length.

Predator protection of little penguin and shearwater colonies

A quote from the conclusions:

The trial's success has generated world-wide interest. The use of guard animals such as maremma and even alpacas, (which also deter foxes), is now being considered to save other endangered species such as the eastern barred bandicoot.

Alpacas. Who knew!

However, things didn't work out so well.

Things appear to be a bit grim as of the last few weeks. The Age reports that Ben and Misty actually caused the death of ten penguins, possibly due to human inteferance.

It doesn't sound like normal Maremma behaviour ... and the Council is treating things in a calm manner for now - Council investigates penguin deaths.

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