Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Mostly Maremmas

I recently read of a small publication titled Mostly Maremmas. I emailed Chris Wood the editor for some more information, and here's what I got back:

Hi, The newsletter is 14 - A4 pages and has been running since 1994. Content
is mostly for livestock guardian dogs but a lot of it would be useful to any
dog owner.

Has anyone read this? The newsletter comes out four times a year: March, June, September and December and the cost is $25 (Australian dollars I think).

Come to think of it - where do we all get our information about Maremmas? Have we moved to a community-centric model, mixing online toolsets and friends?


Anonymous said...

That newsletter sounds interesting....can you post the addy? Cheers

Lyn :)

Bri said...

Sure can.

Chris is at:


The page talking about Mostly Maremmas is:


