Wednesday, December 5, 2007

See Spot swim

So, it's summer here at Kapiti and we've had a good month or so of lovely weather. Did it all really start at the end of spring? Soon, the sea will be warm enough to paddle/scream/dunk in and we'll be in that happy state of smelling of sea and salt and hungering for fish and chips.


Kyle has always loved the sea, and when we're confident he will stay within arms reach we let him off to paddle and swim. It's always a bit of a heart-in-the-mouth stage ... does he care enough to come back to us? Needless to say he does. But it took a long time to build up that trust factor, with a very strong focus on ensuring he always came back to us when we called him (while on the lead) and sat when we asked.

Funnily enough his version of "sit"on the beach is lying down. He doesn't do that anywhere else.

So when no people or dogs were around, we let him off and he just sprints into the waves, looks at us to see it's okay, and ploughs on through the foam.

Everything was always fine until the day he noticed seagulls don't just walk and fly. Nope. They float. So he just kept swimming out one day to get a couple. Images of sharks, cello's playing in the distance and me screaming "I think we need a bigger dog!" came to mind.

But he came back, I was soaked from swimming after him and my voice was gone and my throat ragged. He just looked at me from the beach and laughed at me. Fun huh dad? FUN.

But Magic doesn't like the sea yet - or maybe it's the waves. He's slowly going closer to patches of calmer water, and we'll keep encouraging him. He shows no interest when Kyle is off the lead. We'll try him in a stream and see what happens.

I know maremma's can love fresh water, and have seen pics and video of them at the sea - but does anyone have any experiences to share?


Anonymous said...

Hi there...our beautiful 'Big Girl' Odette aka Odie used to make a mudslide out of the our side path when she was little and it rained - then on our walks she discovered the water running down the gutters was great to run and chase in.
The only water she hated was her Hydro-bath.
Tony and Susie
Brisbane Australia.

Martha said...

Hi, nice to read your blog! Our Massimo likes to swim too, but he never felt or tasted salt water or waves. I put some pictures of him as a pup on yahoo when he was at the beach. Have fun with Maremma Bear!

Bri said...

Kyle laps up a little of the sea water each time he goes out ... although it's becoming less and less of an occurance now.

We were always told to watch out for the side effects of drinking like that ... nroamlly in regards to their poop. Luckily it has not seemed to been an issue, but we're always aware of it.

And waves don't seem to phase him one bit!

Bridgette said...

Abes input....
We havent actually taken Abe to the beach as yet...heapsa "NO DOGS" signs...but he loves the bath we have set up at home that he can get to anytime he needs to kool off and yeh he sits init and drinks at the same time!!...also farmer next-door has 160acres and a lovely waterfall and swim hole just 2min from our boundary that we often visit in summer...he laps it all up as does "Possum" our LeonbergerX!!

Bri said...

We're blessed at Kapiti with a very dog friendly beach. Because it's the best place to walk and run the dogs, it's where we go the most - a few times a week at least.

It's a great social experience for everyone and the sounds and smells always change, as does the actual beach.

A waterfall. Cool.

And isn't Possum getting BIG!

Martha said...

It took me some time to figure out how to put a foto-link in my comment. Massimo during at a few months of age at the beach in Holland. Well, let me try

Hope it works!