Monday, December 10, 2007

Hair of the Dog

So, about the hair! We have a navy blue carpet. And two maremmas. Yup. Mum said "what were you thinking?" So we invested in an excellent Miele Cat and Dog Vacuum Cleaner (turbo head a must if you are looking to buy).

So how many of you are collecting your maremma hair? Because y'all know what happens when the moult kicks in. There really is enough to make a sweater y'know! Well, if you save up enough of it.

We are. I have a large plastic bag filled with Kyle's very soft, sheepswool type fur. Magic's hair is longer and silkier. The plan is to visit our local Arts & Crafts Society to see if someone can card it up and turn into balls of yarn. It's not unheard of...there are books on the subject. Check this one out:

Knitting dog hair better sweater

So, dear readers...anyone out there already sporting handknitted maremma vests, handbags, socks? We'd love to hear from you!


Anonymous said...

lolol...I started saving Nelsons 'fluff' when he was a pup with the intention of having it spun. We occasionally still save a bag but I fear it will not get done. Mr T ( the cat for those who dont know) eats dog fur. Yes. On the occasions I have left a pile of pooch fluff with comb on top, I invariably find him rolling in it and with huge tufts hanging out of his mouth. Its a worry and a 1/2. :)
Dalai has had some of his combings added to Nelsons, I really need to deal with it all. Maremma's sure do have the most exquisite fur. You couldn't call it hair could you?! Wool is another term also! lolol
Where we have carpet, it is a medium blue so the snowstorm look is common at our place at certain times of year and we understand totally what yours must look like Di and Bri. Also, ours is now often found scattered with birds innards, feathers, and other sundry parts plus...HORRORS... dead cockroaches!!!! We never ever saw one at our place until Mr T came along. :)
Gotta love em' all huh?

Martha said...

I never had the desire to collect his hair. I gess I'm to buisy getting rid of all it all. Massimo is my first dog. I have had a persian cat and now two ragdoll x maincoon and a norwegian buschcat. All with long hair. And I thought I was prepaired for pethair. Now I can say: I had no idea.... It is amazing how much comes off him, especially in this twice a year period...
But he doesn't like being groomed. His neck and back he accepts, grumpily. But the rest of his body takes real diplomacy and tactics. For instance when he is very sleepy and I talk very soft and lovingly to him, he lets me get on with it. For a couple of minutes. The next day again. But last year his belly really looked awfull and I had to cut of big lumps of fur. This year I will try to stay on top of it. If he lets me... Do you people have any trics I could use? How are you managing this fur problem?